Build your fully integrated nearshore team.

Impact your business while impacting lives.

Finding an offshore staffing model that works for your business can be challenging and super frustrating.


You don’t have time to be struggling with offshore staffing models that don’t add the value you need to your business.


Stop wasting your time and money; you can do a LOT better!

Work with a trusted partner that will help remove the frustration of working with an offshore team by helping you build your own nearshore team in Guatemala.

Find Talent

Open up a whole new world of talent In Guatemala eager to work for a great company.

Reduce Cost

Through our transparent pricing you will know exactly what you are paying and reduce your staffing costs.

Impact Lives

Feel a new sense of purpose with your business.

How It Works

Type of Roles We Can Source

Since we have been in Guatemala for 7+ years, we have experience finding amazing talent for these types of roles:

  • Customer Service Support Specialist

  • Software Developer

  • Graphic Designer & Video Editor
  • Customer Success Manager

  • System Technician

  • Digital Marketing Specialist
  • Project Coordinator/Manager

  • Web Developer

  • Accounting/Bookkeeping Specialist

7 Ways a Nearshore Team Can Impact Your Business

A nearshore staffing model that works.

Like you, we’ve experienced this pain firsthand. We know just how tough it can be to find an offshore solution that works.

That’s why our CEO relocated to Guatemala, establishing an office dedicated to recruiting, training, and employing talented people. With over 7 years of hands-on expertise, we’ve successfully integrated more than 50 talented individuals from Guatemala into our own company’s workforce, and now we want to do the same for you!

Partner with Torrent Impact Sourcing — a trusted collaborator specializing in establishing fully integrated nearshore teams. Ultimately enabling you to open up a new world of talent that will revolutionize your business and impact your employees’ lives.

Make an Impact

At Torrent Impact Sourcing, we recognize that talent is distributed equally but opportunity is not. By partnering with us, you not only gain access to a growing pool of skilled professionals, but also contribute to creating employment opportunities that would otherwise be nonexistent.

The reality that confronts many Guatemalans when they seek formal employment is a harsh one. There are insufficient formal job opportunities to meet the labor market’s supply, with the economy only generating 20,000 jobs for the 400,000 individuals entering the labor market annually. Consequently, many are compelled to enter the informal sector, where workers lack rights and protections.

Together, we can bridge the gap between these skilled, motivated, bilingual workers and companies like yours — revolutionizing your business and making a positive impact on the world.

A Message from Our CEO…

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